Return to Beauty: Old World Recipes for Great Radiant Skin

Guest blog by Narine Nikogosian
Author of Return to Beauty: Old-World Recipes for Great Radiant Skin

It’s no secret that women want to look and feel beautiful. I created Return to Beauty to pass on the wisdom I’ve learned in my twenty years as a professional aesthetician. Beauty is much easier than we think! Your radiance doesn’t require expensive lotions or toxic potions, only simple skincare recipes made from fresh ingredients in the comfort of your own kitchen. For instance, did you know that pumpkin slices under tired eyes can refresh your look for a big night out?

When I was young, I would go with my grandmother and mother to the local salon and watch them receive facials. Then I would come home and experiment on my own face, creating concoctions from whatever fresh ingredients (vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy) were in our kitchen. Some recipes were a success – some were a mess!

As I grew older, I added my love of astrology to skincare, creating recipes based upon the various needs of each sun sign. (Gemini skin needs apricots, walnuts, and extra relaxation. Cancers need a lot of pampering and hot baths.) Then I invited my friends over for beauty treatments. Thus began my lifelong affair helping people fall in love with their own radiance.

I am fortunate to treat some of the most naturally beautiful faces in the world. Women of color have supple skin that ages gracefully, so it’s important to take good care of it. To help prevent skin problems, such as clogging pores, I always remind my clients to keep their skin clean and use non-invasive products. The Cabbage Milk Cleanser recipe is perfect for cleansing without drying effects. If your skin tends to run normal-to-oily or oily, then it’s important not to over-moisturize.

Your skin also has different needs for each season so your regime should reflect changes in the weather. During the dry cold winds of fall, my Creamy Cantaloupe Coconut Face Mask pampers delicate skin. If cloudy weather dampens your mood, a warm bath with the Voluptuous Vixen Decolté Mask makes everything soft and bright again. If it’s hot and sunny - a dab of Avocado Eye Crème does the trick.

Learning your own skincare needs is a great way to empower yourself. It’s easy to stay youthful, radiant, and happy all year long.