Tenderloin Steaks with port and mustard sauce: Filetes de solomillo con salsa de oporto y mostaza by: Simone & Ines Ortega

Serves 6.

· 6 tenderloin steaks, about 5 ounces each
· 4 tablespoons olive oil
· ½ teaspoon mustard
· 5 tablespoons port
· Salt

Brush both sides of the steaks with a little of the oil and let stand in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Heat the remaining oil in a skillet. Season the steaks with salt, add to the skillet, and cook over high heat for 2-4 minutes on each side, until done to your liking. Transfer to a serving dish and keep warm. Stir the mustard and port into the skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour the sauce over the steaks and serve immediately.

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