Sacred Journey...A Women's Power of Wisdom- Connection Heaven, Earth, Mind, Body and Spirit part 2 by Cynthia Knorr-Mulder RNC, MSN, NP-C,CS, C.Ht

Discover what secrets lie ahead for you on your Sacred Journey

As you read the following allow the secret of each stone to provide a meaning for you. Relax, take a deep breath and exhale. Now in a moment, allow the secret of the stones to be revealed to you.............

Tigers Eye: A grounding and centering stone, used to enhance intuitive ability. The secret of this stone is___________
(Close your eyes and reveal the secret meaning this stone brings to you.)
-One needs to awaken the intuition inside to connect the signs and symbols along the sacred journey.

Snowflake Obsidian: "Stone of Purity", helps to connect body, mind and spirit and assists one in actualizing serenity of the isolated state. It is grounding and provides protection. The secret of this stone is ________ (Close your eyes and reveal the secret meaning this stone brings to you.)
-Each and every woman that connects body, mind and spirit is truly a princess of purity, one that emits a beautiful white light noticeable through the eyes of her soul. Like the black obsidian, the soul of the white lighter quite often wears black to protect and ground her in earthly functions. But if you look closely, like the snowflake obsidian, underneath the cascades of black taffeta are shinning speckles of white light.

Black Onyx: A grounding and protection stone used to banish fear and enhance the spiritual self. Used as a worry stone because it is believed the stone absorbs negative energy. The secret of this stone is_____________ (Close your eyes and reveal the secret meaning this stone brings to you.)
-The ability to banish fear lies in the realization that fear is evil. You must learn to tell the difference between good and evil in order to enhance your spiritual self. Worrying about any situation that takes you away from the present moment steers one off their spiritual path. Learning how to stop worrying and becoming present in the moment absorbs negative energy and will allow your path to unfold.

Rose Quartz: Enhances all forms of love, platonic, self-love and divine love. This stone encourages tolerance and forgiveness. It opens our hearts and teaches us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. It emanates unconditional love. The secret of this stone is___________________ (Close your eyes and reveal the secret meaning this stone brings to you.
-When you start learning to love yourself, you discover an inner spark of light. Divine love is an inward journey that enables us to open our hearts, teaches us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. It is this unconditional love that makes the journey sacred.

Turquoise: " The most important secret" - Turquoise builds strength and provides protection. It stimulates elevation of goals or understanding. It helps with communication, provides self-realization and helps one get in tune with others. The secret of this stone is______________________ (Close your eyes and reveal the secret meaning this stone brings to you.)
-The most important secret is the realization that in fact, there is no secret. The meaning behind any secret to life's existence, is held deep within our soul, awaiting for us to awakening our inner light so that we can clearly see the goals that lie ahead on our sacred journey. 

- Enjoy your Sacred Journey.